Home / Progetto di resilienza della zona costiera Brooklyn Bridge - Montgomery

Greenman-Pedersen Inc.

Titolo del progetto

Progetto di resilienza della zona costiera Brooklyn Bridge - Montgomery

Categorie di premi


Year in Infrastructure 2024 di Bentley
New York, New York, United States
Software utilizzati 


Image Credit: Greenman-Pedersen Inc.
Sintesi del progetto

The Brooklyn Bridge Montgomery Coastal Resiliency project is a critical initiative designed to protect New York City from flooding and enhance the resiliency of communities at risk of storm surges. The project will serve as a benchmark for coastal resilience in the face of global warming and rising sea levels. Greenman-Pedersen (GP) is providing project and construction management services and faced challenges navigating the city’s complex landscape and addressing the frequent changes in work sequence.

GP selected SYNCHRO for 4D construction planning and management, creating simulation videos for real-time visualization of potential clashes that simplified the complex work sequences and facilitated proactive problem-solving, reducing delays to keep the project on schedule. Using Bentley’s application improved risk identification by 50%, compared to traditional methods, and shortened construction schedule review times by up to 24 hours. The advanced visualization and simulation features of SYNCHRO helped optimize construction sequencing, contributing to the reduction in the overall carbon footprint of the project.

3D model of an urban area featuring multiple high-rise buildings and a complex network of elevated highways and ramps.

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Year in Infrastructure e Going Digital Awards 2024

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